Father Treats 2-Year Old With Medical Marijuana

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Father Treats 2-Year Old Son w... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list 7 Marvelous Medical Marijuana Miracles

The Problem:
Brain Cancer.
Cancer is a tough disease, especially when it invades the brain of a cute toddler. In addition to all the symptoms caused by cancer, the horrific symptoms caused by the treatment (chemotherapy) make this disease a double-dose of God awfulness.
Cash Hyde was having a hellish exaggeration of the terrible twos. Brain tumor, chemotherapy, pain drug cocktails: chemo was working to kill the tumor, but the side effects were tortuous. According to reports, Cash hadn’t eaten in 40 days, was frequently vomiting (like, you know, more than the average two-year-old), and required five different pain drugs.
How Medical Marijuana Helped:
Doctors gave approval for Cash to try medical marijuana. According to Cash’s father, after introducing cannabis oil into his feeding tube, his son’s symptoms were immediately lessened. Cash began eating food, again, and slowly weaned off the potent pain drug cocktail.
Counterpoint (and Why It’s Wrong):
It’s risky to introduce a substance into a growing brain without knowing how toxic it can be on brain development. In general, the amount of toxic psychosis which can be triggered from marijuana hasn’t been fully studied. Throw in Cash entering septic shock, and there’s a chance his brain growth might have been stunted by his disease combined with the marijuana.
Note that this hasn’t been studied fully. It might be that marijuana doesn’t trigger toxicity or toxic psychosis, or reduces it, or makes you grow an extra head when you turn 105, who knows? In addition, you know what else can stunt brain growth? A whopping dose of pain medication to combat a giant bunch of evil cells spreading through the brain. Seriously, if the kid turns 6 and has a little trouble tying his shoes we’ll call it a fair trade. Cash was able to check out of I.C.U., and has been recovering with his family.
SOURCE: ranker.com