Potcoin Spike After Dennis Rodman Trip To Singapore


As we take in the good news from President Trump and Kim Jong-un’s summit in Singapore, a cannabis advocate hopes to share good news as well.
According to Twitter, Dennis Rodman, retired NBA player unexpectedly arrived in Singapore on Monday bearing a Potcoin shirt. The shirt bears a logo of the cryptocurrency rounded by the term “Peace starts in Singapore.”

Potcoin was the first digital currency created to facilitate the cannabis industry. Though it was the first it’s not the only cannabis geared cryptocurrency. Apparently, Potcoin is a sponsor of Rodman, and even more surprising, has sent him to meet with Kim Jong-un previously. He hoped to help bridge talks between the two, considering he is one of the few people who has meet both Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. He also credits himself with bringing the two together in the first place.

His first trip in 2017 resulted in a decline of the digital currencies value but Rodman and Jung-un have established some semblance of a friendship over time. Despite this, aside from his sponsors that funded the trip, no one really knows what Rodman is doing there. Either way, it’s a perfect marketing move for one few players in cannabis-based cryptocurrency

“We have no comment on Dennis Rodman’s private travel. He’s not a representative of the US government.” –A state department spokesperson to CNET

After their meeting, Rodman met with CNN and tearfully expressed his joy over the successful meeting. After Rodman’s appearance in Singapore, Potcoin’s value jumped 20%, adding $4 million to market capitalisation. There’s no word if there will be talks about Potcoin in North Korea in the future.