Canna-Carrot Juice

Carrot Juice

“Carrot juice can pull heavy metals from fatty tissue where they reside, bind them up, and discharge them from the system.” – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, October 1985

The use of carrots (and especially carrot juice) as a therapeutic agent is an ancient practice. Carrots are rich with biotin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, organic sodium and more. However, many people do not know that most of these nutrients are concentrated just beneath the skin of a carrot, so try not to peel off its skin if you are looking to eat healthily. It’s recommended that you simply brush the carrot’s skin (with water) until the dirt is cleaned off.

The cannabis leaves and buds called for in the recipe provide the body with much-needed cannabinoid acids, specifically THC-A and CBD-A. These acids found in cannabis have been shown to help reduce or eliminate epileptic seizures, treat certain forms of cancer, and assist in the management of many other ailments. In general, cannabis is a complete protein and a great natural source of healthy omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.

This process will require a good amount of blending. It’s important that you are careful to blend slowly, in spurts, so as not to overheat the cannabis leaves. Even a tiny bit of heat results in the raw cannabis further converting from THC-A(cannabinoid acid) to THC. What you want to do is keep the temperatures low, juice the whole cannabis plant, and in doing so, you will receive the full range of benefits that cannabinoids have to offer, engaging what is known as the entourage effect.

It’s the perfect drink for those who already love carrots in their soup, dipped in dressing, and diced into salads. Let’s get started!


  • 7-10 raw cannabis leaves, freshly picked (within 2-3 days)
  • 2-3 large raw cannabis buds
  • 2 cups coconut water
  • 2 cups chopped organic carrots
  • 1 slice of organic lemon, skin included, no seeds
  • thin slice of organic ginger, no skin
  • 6 ice cubes

How it’s done:

  1. Start by slicing carrots until you have about 2 cups worth.
  2. Cut one slice of lemon and remove any seeds.
  3. Remove skin from the outside of a small piece of fresh ginger.
  4. Cut a thin slice from this ginger and add it into the blender with the other ingredients (Note: You may want to grate the ginger if your blender is not strong enough to break it up evenly.)
  5. Fill blender with 2 cups coconut water.
  6. Add in the remaining solid ingredients.
  7. Mix manually (in spurts) being careful not to overheat the cannabis inside the blender.

Note: One obstacle people may face when juicing cannabis with carrots is having to deal with the vast amounts of the fiber after mixing. This fiber creates a foam at the top of your drink that most some people may consider too thick to drink with ease. Regardless, if you can get past the unpleasant texture, studies show you may be doing your body justice. After all, juice derived from carrots contains more Vitamin A than nearly any other juice. Vitamin A helps the liver flush out toxins from the body, making this a great recipe for detoxing your body. In fact, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (October 1985), “carrot juice can pull heavy metals from fatty tissue where they reside, bind them up, and discharge them from the system.”