Witches Brew

Witches Brew


  • 6 oz lime jello
  • 1 1/2 cup pineapple juice -chilled
  • 1 cup infused vodka -chilled
  • 16 oz lemon-lime soda -chilled


  1. Fully prepare lime jello per package instructions. Use a fork to break jello apart into small pieces (small enough to fit through a straw) then add crushed jello to a large pitcher of your choice (should be at least 1 liter or larger).
  2. Add pineapple juice and infused vodka to pitcher, then stir.
  3. When ready to serve, add Sprite until the pitcher is full. For best results, pour lemon-lime soda from a higher distance than you normally would so that there’s extra fizz on top of the drink. Serve immediately.